Abatements Report
The Abatements Report is a compilation of the abatements posted during this fiscal year. The report can be viewed and printed for a specific date range or for the complete year. You have the option of including the deleted abatements in this report. To include the deleted abatements, on the Abatements Report dialog box, click the Include Deleted Abatements check box. The original abatement will show on the report as it was posted and a subsequent posting will show the reversal. Both entries will have a line through them indicating they have been deleted. Also, if you use the Abatement Refund process (see Refund Abatement), they will display on the bottom of the Abatement report as a separate entry and total. This report should be used for your monthly and yearly balancing.
To view and print the Abatements Report, from the main menu select Reports | Abatements. The Abatements Report dialog box displays.
Select the date range for the report. If you want the report to display the deleted abatements, select the Include Deleted Abatements check box. To see the report, click View. (For information on Printing and /or Exporting see Printing or Exporting Reports.)